Easter Basket Donor

Palatine Township coordinates this annual program which provides Easter Baskets to financially disadvantaged children, ages 12 years and younger in our community. Local churches, businesses, organizations, and individuals create baskets filled with edible treats and small toys. Last year we identified over 860 children who were extremely grateful to be recipients in this program.

If you would like to participate in this program by donating a basket, please follow these guidelines

  • Please stop by the Township and pick out a bunny, chick, or egg cut-out which includes child’s first name, age, gender and assigned number,
  • Or, complete and submit the 2025 Easter Basket Program Donor Sign-Up Form below. If you register online, you will be contacted via email and provided the necessary information, including the child’s information after April 1, 2025.
  • Create your basket! Suggested items include: edible treats, small toys, games, hair accessories, puzzles, books, etc. The value of the basket and its contents should be approximately $25.00. All edible items must be in original packaging.
  • Please wrap your basket in cellophane or another transparent material and either attach your cut-out (whether it’s a bunny, chick or egg) or include a label with the child’s name and assigned number.
  • Registration ends April 4, 2025.
  • Return all baskets and donations to the Township by April 9, 2025.

Do you know of a child in need in Palatine Township?

To see if they qualify, submit child’s name, address, phone number, school, and parent’s name to blama@palatinetownship-il.gov

(Must have parents’ permission to submit personal information.)

Easter Basket Donor

Easter Basket Donor
